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Parent Empowerment Workshop in Hindi – Nutrition & developmental disorders


Also available in: हिंदी
Key Takeaways:
We are currently working on the key takeaways for this article. They will be available soon.

Nayi Disha conducted Parent Empowerment Workshop on Nutrition and IDD on 14th July at Greens Special School.  Special thanks to Shruti Kelkar for an extremely informative and engaging talk and Greens Special School for having us.

Table of Content  

Topic Time
Common problems in special needs

  • Digestion related issues
  • Obesity
  • Lethargy
  • Immunity related issues
  • Skin related problems
  • Hyperactivity & sleep issues
  • Eating disorder
Why these problems?

  • Mother’s immunity
  • Breast feeding
  • C-Section
How to fight the above problems?

  • Nutrition
How does nutrition help?

  •  Identify allergies
  •  why sugar is not good?
  •  Avoiding outside food due to artificial preservatives and synthetic colours – Processed food
  •  Effect of toxins
  • What to eat – natural and organic home food
  • Increase in fluid intake
  • What to eat – continued

Fresh and organic vegetables
Seasonal fruits
Oils – as less refined as possible
Rotate the oils
coconut oil is best for brain


  • Won’t unrefined oil cause cholestrol?
  • Examples of such oils?
  • How to avoid constipation?
  • What to replace meat and tea with?
  • Which is better? Fresh milk or UHT milk? Eggs – Boiled or fried?
  • Should we avoid even two spoons of sugar? is honey better? Will boiling sprouts take away its nutrients?
  • Can dry fruits be given? Do dates cause heat?
  • What is the best time for dinner?
  • Are sugar free biscuits ok to use for autistic kids? How about fish? Is cow’s milk good?
  • How do we manage craving for rice?
  • Which fruits are harmul and which fruits are beneficial for autistic children?
Thank you

DISCLAIMER: Please note that this guide is for information purposes only. Please consult a qualified health practitioner for safe management.

Use this toolkit to keep a food diary of your child’s nutritional challenges. You can freely download this nutrition booklet that gives an overview of common nutritional needs that children with Down Syndrome often face, and ways to manage it through dietary changes.

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